Wednesday, 4 November 2015

টুকি টাকি Java

আই ব্লগ এর মুল উদ্দেশ্য জাভা related টুকিটাকি বিষয় বস্তু তালিকাবদ্ধ করা। কিছু কিছু জিনিস যা কাজে লাগতে পারে।
1. Importing a package into another package
   Import package_name.*
2. Importing a class of a particular package
   Import package_name.class_name

Sample code:

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Integrating Autoit and Selenium: Uploading a file using autoit

While automating a web application I faced a challenge. The challenge is integrate autoit and selenium. So I am going to share the problem domain and the coded solution below so that others can find it out helpful

Problem domain: I have a file located in my own machine which I need to upload in one of my web application project

Used tool:
1. Selenium for automating web application
2. Autoit for interacting with windows/ uploading a file from own local machine

Step 1: Autoit code
Write the Autoit code:

ControlFocus("File Upload","","Edit1")
ControlSetText("File Upload","","Edit1","D:\Test\Shp\")
ControlClick("File Upload", "", "Button1")

First write this autoit code and then save it using the extension, Example: fileupload.au3

Step 2: Compile script(Convert into .exe format)

Right click on the fileupload.au3 file and hit compile script, If you are using a 32 bit OS then choose x86 option and if you are using a 64 bit os then choose x64 option

Step 3: Integrating with selenium

Write only the following line in your selenium code where you need to upload you file


(It is the file path of the .exe file)

Then run your selenium code and observe the expected result

This code works fine for me hope you will find this helpfull

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Draw in canvas using selenium web driver and java

Drawing 3 points which will create a polygon

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("html/body/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/canvas"));

Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
    Action drawAction = builder.moveToElement(element,135,15)  // start point in the canvas
    //signatureWebElement is the element that holds the signature element you have in the DOM
              .moveByOffset(200, 60) // second point
              .moveByOffset(100, 70) // third point

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Code academy: Function: 3/19: Calling a function with parameter

We've set up a function, square. Call it on the number 10 (by putting 10between the parentheses of square()) on line 9!

def square(n):
    """Returns the square of a number."""
    squared = n**2
    print "%d squared is %d." % (n, squared)
    return squared
# Call the square function on line 9! Make sure to
# include the number 10 between the parentheses.


Sunday, 31 May 2015

== Search Text for Your Name ==
We'll want to place the if statement inside our for loop to make sure the program checks the if statement each time it moves forward through the loop. Essentially, the for loop is saying: "Hey program! Go through every letter in 'text'." The if statement will say: if you see something interesting, push that text into an array!"

var myArray =  ['a', 'b', 'c'];
myArray[0]; // equals a.

Add your if statement in the body of your for loop. It should check to see whether the current letter is equal to the first letter of your name. (Capitalization counts!)
There's no need to put anything between the {}s of your if just yet.


var text = "Hello world Keya how you doing Keya";
var myName ="Keya";
var hits = [];
for(var i=0; i<text.length; i++ )
    if (text[i]=== 'K')
While loop: Tutorial 5/11
== Practice makes perfect ==
Problem: Write a while loop that logs "I'm looping!" to the console three times. You can do this however you like, but NOT with three console.log calls. Check the Hint if you need help!

var count= 0;

var loop = function(){
    while(count < 3){
        console.log("I'm looping!");


Python Pig Latin 4/11

print "Welcome to the Pig Latin Translator!"

# Start coding here!
original = raw_input("Enter a word:")
if len(original) > 0:
    print original
    print "empty"

Python-Conditionals-and-Control-Flow 15/15


def the_flying_circus():
    if 12 and 1 + 1 == 2:    # Start coding here!
        print "Yes, I'm greater than 11!"
        # Don't forget to indent
        # the code inside this block!
        return True
    elif 11 < 12:
        print "We are a circus of less than 12 men!"
        # Keep going here.
        return True
        print "We don't know how many people we are!"
        # You'll want to add the else statement, too!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Python datetime format

Problem domain:
  1. Create a variable called now and store the result of in it.
  2. Then, print the value of now.

from datetime import datetime

now =
print now

current date

Printing current date year and month code

Format 1:
from datetime import datetime
now =
print now
print now.year
print now.month

Format 2: from datetime import datetime
now =

print '%s/%s/%s' % (now.month,, now.year, )

Format 3: from datetime import datetime
now =

print '%s:%s:%s' % (now.hour, now.minute, now.second )
Format 4: from datetime import datetime
now =

print '%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s' % (now.month,,now.year, now.hour, now.minute, now.second )

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Faced the following problem for send keys in selenium webDriver in Java

Java is throwing the following error while working with selenium
the method sendkeys(charsequence ) in the type webelement is not applicable for the arguments

It has a simple solution. Change your compiler compliance level from 1.4 to 1.7.
Follow these steps in your eclipse:
  1. Right click on your java project and select Build Path -> Click on
    Configure Build Path...
  2. In project properties window, Click/select Java Compiler at the left
  3. At the right panel, change the Compiler compliance level from 1.4 to 1.7
    (Select which is higher version in your eclipse)
  4. Lastly Click on Apply and OK
Now check your code. it will never show the same error.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

TestNG file execution Along with jar file.

TestNG file execution Along with jar file.
1. Create a main class 1st

package Testcase;

import com.beust.testng.TestNG;

public class MainOne {

public static void main(String[] args) {
TestNG testng = new TestNG();
         Class[] classes = new Class[]{houpad.class}; //houpad is the class where i included all the                                                                                             //testNG executable testcases.



To export a jar file
1. Run the main class then
2. Right click on the package name> Export> Java> rurnnable JAR file> from the launch configuration select the main class created above.> Hit finish.
3. Now double click on the jar file
4. It will show the execution